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Anime Revolution / Despre Japonia / Japan: The history  
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Postari: 240
inca nu o sa postez nimic aici... dar cred ca o sa ma apuc de un mic album foto am gasit niste poze super cu Japonia

Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard.

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 240
da... m-am razgandit o sa pun intr-adevar poze dar ma gandesc ca ar trebui sa pun si o mica descriere... nu poti sa pui o poza cu o cladire si sa nu spui ce reprezinta...

Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard.

pus acum 18 ani
Forum Admin

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 157
GO FOR IT ..... whatever IT is ..... sunt sigur k o sa iasa ceva tare ..

Cine sapa groapa altuia .... departe ajunge

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
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sper ca nu te superi dak incep eu

koi wa shian no hoka (love is without reason)

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 158
Japonia este alcatuita din patru mari insule: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku si Kyushu. Japonia este situata la mijlocul emisfera nordica la periferia continentului asiatic, spre oceanul Pacific. Este un teritoriu impadurit, muntos, tara a peste 200 de vulcani, dintre care o patrime sunt inca activi, dat fiind faptul ca se afla intr-o zona tectonica nelinistita. In fiecare an, aici au loc 1 500 de cutremure (unele dintre ele insesizabile, si altele care produc catastrofe).
Datorita locatiei pe Glob, Japonia nu a intrat in contact cu tarile occidentale decat din jurul secolului XIX, insa a avut o stransa conexiune cu China, de unde a importat traditii si chiar silabarul KANJI, prin intermediul Coreei.
  La sfarsitul perioadei Edo (sfarsitul secolului XIX) a inceput o migrare a populatiei japoneze spre exteriorul tarii, formandu-se astfel puternice comunitati in Hawai, coasta dinspre Pacific a Americii de Nord si Latine (Brazilia si Peru).
La sfarsitul secolului XIX, Japonia a adoptat modele Europene si Americane pentru modernizarea natiunii si dezvoltarea economiei. Astfel, au fost intarite relatiile cu tarile puternic industrializate. Datorita faptului ca Japonia duce lipsa de resurse naturale si are o piata de desfacere domenstica relativ mica, economia Japoniei s-a dezvoltat prin importarea materilor prime si exportarea de bunuri fabricate.

koi wa shian no hoka (love is without reason)

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 158
pod in stil japonez din hiroshima

koi wa shian no hoka (love is without reason)

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

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Suprafata: 377. 765 km patrati
Populatia: 126 mil locuitori
Densitatea populatiei: 335 loc/km patrat (1997)
Cel mai inalt munte: Fujiyama (pe scurt Fuji) 3 776 m

koi wa shian no hoka (love is without reason)

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 158
Informatii pe scurt:
Denumirea statului: Nihon (Nippon)-ambele denumiri sunt acceptate
Capitala: Tokio (original Tokyo, ambii "o" fiind vocale lungi), peste 8 mil de loc, zona metropolitana avand cca 12 mil
Religia: sintoismul si budismul
Limba: japoneza (go figure)=D
Moneda: yenul
Cele mai mari orase: Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kyoto

koi wa shian no hoka (love is without reason)

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 158
Ce trebuie sa stiti:
1. sportul traditional in Japonia este sumo, un tip de lupta care se desfasoara dupa reguli stricte. conditia participarii este ca greutatea corpului sa nu fie mai mica de 170 kg
2. la 9 aug 1945, orasul Nagasaki a fost distrus de bomba atomica americana. cu 3 zile inainte, la 6 aug, acelasi destin il avuse si Hiroshima. atacul atomic asupra Nagasaki a produs 80 000 de victime, iar Japonia a fost obligata sa capituleze
3. in Japonia, teatrul este numit KABUKI, iar toate rolurile (inclusiv cele feminime) sunt interpretate de barbati. actorul care joaca rol feminin este numit in Japonia ONNAGATA

koi wa shian no hoka (love is without reason)

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 240
si eu nu am mai pus nimic... am gasit cate ceva dar nu vreau sa le pun in engleza... si o sa trebuiasca sa le traduc... dar sunt sigura ca avetzi rabdare

Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard.

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 240
dar o sa pun niste poze sa ne delectam privirile doar niste peisaje

japan: the history dar pun niste poze delectam privirile doar niste peisaje


Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard.

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 240
cred ca stiati ca vara e foarte calduroasa, iar toamna e foarte ploioasa dar (cum se vede si in poza, foarte frumoasa), dar primavara e anotimpul perfect in japonia...
citez din Shogun: "Heaven on earth is here." (se referea la Japonia, evident)

japan: the history cred stiati vara foarte iar toamna foarte ploioasa dar (cum vede poza, foarte


Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard.

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 240
what's better than this?
cine nu ar vrea sa stea pe cerdacul unei case japoneze, primavara?...

japan: the history what's better than this? cine vrea stea cerdacul unei case japoneze,


Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard.

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Bacau
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 152
Ai dreptate.... e mijto acolo....shi dak ash putea sa ajung sa locuiesc acolo sigur miash lua o casa d genul asta ...

Acum o poza q interiorul unei camere specifice Japoniei...
Tare ash vrea sa arate asha camera mea....      

japan: the history mijto dak ash putea ajung locuiesc acolo sigur miash lua casa genul asta ... acum



pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 147


Yume... ka?

pus acum 18 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 240
doxx... poza e superba... cand o sa ma mut la casa mea asa o sa arate dormitorul :P

Beginning is easy - Continuing is hard.

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 147
Cate ceva despre sabia traditionala japoeza...(englis..sorry, daca e cineva care se incurca sa-mi ziceti si traduc)
The Japanese sabre is the symbol of the Samurai or Bushi. In fact, BUSHI is the strict reading of characters that can be translated by warrior. Samourai is literally " the one who serves ". It is therefore an employee/employer relationship, suzerain to vassal. Thus a samourai " without master " is called by another name and becomes a RONIN (literally man of the wave).   

    Every samourai carries at his belt, on the left side, two sabres, one long and one shorter. The long one or DAITO (literally long sabre) is a KATANA. The shorter or SHOTO (literally short sabre) is a wakizachi. The pair of these two sabres is called a DAISHO, abbreviation of DAITO and SHOTO. The long sabre shall be more than 2 shaku long, that is more than 60 cm, length taken between the tip and the munemachi (unhooking of the back of the sabre which separates the blade (HA) on one side, from the tang (nagako) on the other).
A short sabre shall be 1 to 2 shaku long, therefore 30 to 60 cm. As for the dagger (TANTO), its blade shall be less than a shaku long.

    Another long sabre : the TACHI. Anterior to the Katana, the TACHI was traditionally a long sabre, more curved than the Katana, which was carried suspended on the left side by two knots, cutting edge towards the bottom, whenever you were riding a horse and wearing an armour. That way, it is much easier to use than if it were carried at the belt, which is complicated to do in any case with an armour. Following the change in the form of combats (fewer fights among armoured horsemen) during the MUROMACHI period, the UCHIGATANA (the gripping sabre) is created, which is carried at the belt, edge towards the top, therefore easier to unsheath. But a Katana can very well be carried in TACHI. The first Katanas were very curved at the top of the blade to increase the cutting efficiency of the edge.

    For long, only the samourai was allowed to carry a sabre. During the EDO period (TOKUGAWA shoguns), the merchant class obtained the right to carry a sabre, but not the DAISHO, which remained the apanage of the samourai. It is only in 1876 that a new law forbade the carrying of sabre, ending the remaining traditions of the medieval period. From then, only soldiers were allowed to carry a sabre, which explains why many warriors transferred into the army.   

Three terms are used to designate the sabre : TO, TACHI, and KEN. TO and TACHI are two ways to read the same Japanese character. It can be translated by "sabre". Yet, KEN is another character, and is rather translated by " sword ". As nothing is simple in Japan, KEN-JUTSU is practised with a sabre and we performed KAMAE TO (sabre at guard) and NO TO (sheathing). When it is made out of wood, the sabre becomes a BOKEN or a BOKUTO.   

    Depending on when it was fabricated, and therefore on the techniques involved, the Japanese sabre is given different names:   

Before 1600, it is a KOTO (literally ancient sabre, not small sabre).   
Between 1600 and 1780 (approx.), it is a SHINTO (literally new sabre : nothing to do with the shinto religion or way of the gods).   
Between 1780 and 1876, it is a SHINSHINTO (literally new new sabre).   
Between 1876 and 1945, it is called a GENDAITO (modern sabre).   
For sabres manufactured in series for soldiers during the wars of the 20th century, the term GUNTO (war sabre is used).
Finally, for contemporary sabres, we use the term SHINKEN (new sword) or SHINSAKUTO (newly manufactured sabre).

    Most of the sabres were signed (MEI) by the blacksmith. He sometimes added characteristics such as "cut through three bodies tied together…" and dates or locations.   

orging a sabre was a ritual act, implying purification and asceticism for the master blacksmith. There were many schools of forging in Japan. The most famous blacksmiths are MASAMUNE and MURAMASA..   

    Masamune lived at the beginning of the 14th century. History (or legend) tells that he was an upright, honest and good man, and that his blades brought serenity to the holder. On the contrary, his pupil, MURAMASA, who also had a perfect forging technique, was considered a violent man. Thus his evil aura impregnated his blades, which always caused great harms and spilled great amounts of blood.   

    It is said that to differentiate those perfect blades, it was as simple as sticking them in the bed of a river, edge directed upstream. Leaves brought by the current were neatly sliced by Muramasa's blade, whereas they strangely avoided Masamune's and went their way. The old masters used to teach that it was what the spirit of the warrior should be, which enforces peace by its own presence, without unsheathing the sabre. But after all, the real meaning of the character BU (which is found in BUSHI but also in BUDO and therefore in AIKIBUDO) is to stop the spear, and not to fight.

japan: the history cate ceva despre sabia daca cineva care incurca sa-mi ziceti traduc) the japanese



Yume... ka?

pus acum 18 ani
Anime Fan

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 147
History of Japanese Swords

Oldest swords on record in Japan are the two that were sent as a present to queen Himeko from China during Wei-dynasty in 240 a.d. In 280 a.d. many more iron swords were imported from China to Japan.

It is believed that the art of forging a steel sword came soon after from China and Korea, but the details are unknown. We do know that in the 5th century steel swords were already made in Japan. These were of the straight, single-edged type called chokuto. The method of hardening the steel that is so typical of Japanese swords was first used in 6th century.

The era of the straight sword lasted until the 8th century. Then the predominant style of warfare changed from fighting on foot to fighting on horseback. To accommodate horseback fighting the swords became curved. These long, curved single-edged swords were called tachi. There were many intermediate forms between chokuto and tachi. The most common of these were kogarasumaru (a curved, two-edged sword) and kenukigatatachi. The term Nipponto or Nihonto (literally "Japanese sword" is usually reserved to swords with curvature.

Japanese History and Sword Evolution.
Heian Era (794-1184)

As emperor Kammu came to power, the capital was moved from Nara to Kyoto. The whole era was characterized by the prevalent tendency toward accepting what came through the Chinese influences that had came over the sea during the previous centuries and making them Japanese. Many of the cultural idiosyncrasies that we hold typically Japanese were born in Heian period.

In this era was also created the method of forging a sword with hard outer surface and soft core.

This was the era of tachi. It became customary to sign the blades. The oldest signed blade is probably one tachi forged by Sanjo Munechika. The oldest tachi with date as well as the name of the smith engraved on the tang is from 1159 and was made by Namihira Yukimasa.

During the Heian era two clans, the Minamotos and the Tairas,  who rose in power and importance. The end of the era is marked by the battle in Dannoura, where these two clans clashed together.
Kamakura Era (1184-1333)

After defeating the Taira clan at Dannoura, Minamoto no Yorimoto - now the de facto ruler - moved his shogunate to Kamakura. Emperor Gotoba, the formal ruler, remained in Kyoto. This also marked the beginning of the rule of the samurai class.

Kamakura became a cultural capitol, and swordsmiths from all over the country gathered there. Perhaps the most famous of them was Masamune, one of the masters of the soshu-style. The overall style of swords became more flamboyant, more in tune with the newly found power of the samurai. Kamakura period is often held to be the golden age of Nihon-to.

A typical Kamakura sword was wider than before, with little difference in width between the top and bottom of the blade. Kissaki (the point) was often of the type ikubi ("bull's neck".

Late in the Kamakura period came the two Mongol invasions (1274 and 1281) by Kublai Khan. The encounter with the new weapons and tactics of the Mongols demonstrated some weaknesses in Tachi. For example the point was easily broken and could not be repaired. These experiences affected the design of later swords.
Nanpokucho Era (1334-1393)

In 1334 the samurai from the provinces started a rebellion and overthrew the shogunate with the aid of the imperial court. Emperor Godaiko gained the control of the country, but was able to hold on to it for just two years. Ashikaga Takauji renounced emperor Godaiko and raised emperor Komyo to power instead. Godaiko held court in Yoshino and Komyo built his government in Kyoto. The north and south courts warred for close to 60 years.

This continuing war raised the need for swords. As the foot soldier raised in importance once again, a very long sword, suitable for delivering devastating sweeps when used with two hands, was created. Some of these odachi or nodachi had blades over a meter long, as long as 120-150 cm. (Some swords with blades over two meters long exist, but these were ceremonial.) Many of these odachi were later shortened and used as a katana.

The situation was finally resolved in a compromise, but Ashikaga and the north court were the factual winners.
Muromachi Era (1394-1595)

After the long war between the north and south courts, a short period of peace ensued. Shogun Ashikaga was, however, effectively powerless, and the true power was held by the daimyos.

The battle for the true power began in 1467 with the so-called Onin-war. The whole country was in a constant state of war for almost a hundred years, until Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi managed to wrestle the power, and pacify the country. This era is called Senkogu - "the time the country was at war".

The swords of this era can be divided to three groups:

Early Muromachi (1394-1466)

As the armies grew, the mounted soldiers became ever more rare, and the main force of armies consisted of foot soldiers. While many tachi were still made, the time of the katana was already dawning. Shorter blades were easier to carry and faster to draw. The center of curvature of the blade moved forward as the blades were being designed for use on foot. Most swords were 69,7-72,7 cm in length and narrowed towards the point. Near the end of this period almost all the swords produced were uchigatana.

Mid Muromachi (1467-1554)

As the mobility of troops became strategically more important, the swords got even shorter. Most swords manufactured in this period were 60-65 cm long and had even width all the length of the blade.

This was the heyday of katana. Katana is a relatively short sword that is carried in the belt with the cutting edge upwards. This way it is possible to draw the sword and cut in single motion. (Tachi was carried hung from the belt with the cutting edge pointing down.)

The ever-increasing need for swords also meant that not all swords were manufactured to the same high standards as before. The term kazuuchi was used to denote the mass-produced swords from the quality swords. Around 100 000 swords were even exported to Ming-dynasty China.

Late Muromachi (1555-1595)

In the 12th year of Tenmon, 1543, the face of warfare in Japan was changed forever. This year the Portuguese first introduced firearms to Japan.

Even if the early guns were not accurate and it took a long time to load them, Oda Nobunaga used them to great effect in the battle of Nagashino in 1573. The mounted troops of the Takeda clan - held to be the finest in the country - were swiftly decimated by a group of gunmen.

The mounted troops were powerless. The battlefield belonged to tight formations of footsolders, armed with guns. The armor became heavy and thick to protect from bullets. Accordingly the swords became longer, heavier and more robust to cope with the armor.

When Oda Nobunaga finally fell, the country was unified under Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and the long era of war became to end.
Edo Era (1596-1867)

After Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi had unified the country, the political power was taken over by Tokugawa Ieyasu. He created a centrally governed feudal society that lasted virtually unchanged for hundreds of years.

The swords became more refined in this era. The raw materials became more easily available and the smiths were able to exchange skills and experiences. Since the difference between the swords produced before and during Edo period is so large, people talk of "old swords" and "new swords"

The swords are often divided by age:
bullet    jokoto ("ancient swords" - 795
bullet    koto ("old swords" 795 - 1596
bullet    shinto ("new swords" 1596 - 1624
bullet    shinshinto ("new new swords" 1624 - 1876
bullet    gendaito ("contemporary swords" 1876-1953
bullet    shinshakuto ("modern swords" 1953 -

As a long period of war was superseded by long period of peace, a great number of samurai found themselves suddenly redundant. Many of the schools of sword fighting were born in this era. (I have been told of over 600 different schools on record, but I am not sure how this figure was reached or how accurate it is.)
Modern time (1868-)

When Tokugawa shogunate finally fell, and emperor Meiji took the power, began the time of modernization known as Meiji-restoration. The samurai were deprived of their old privileges - including the right to carry daisho, the pair of long and short swords that had been the sign of their class.

With no market for swords most smiths had to find some other source of income. While the growing militarism and later the war once again made swords necessary, most of these were mass-produced in factories.

A further blow came, when the Americans forbade the manufacturing of swords after the Japanese had lost the war. Also about 400, 000 historically and artistically interesting swords ended up in the USA. The art of the Japanese sword was on the brink of becoming extinct.

Luckily in 1953 the manufacturing of swords became legal again, and the almost dead tradition could still be revived. There were still old masters alive who could teach the next generation. Now there are some 250 working smiths, producing swords matching in beauty and quality even the finest produced in the past.

japan: the history history japanese swords record japan are the two that were sent present queen



Yume... ka?

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